E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti.
All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing

The First 1000 Days Workshop | 29 July 2024

A workshop for new, expecting and experienced Dads to understand brain development and how to create a safe environment for our Tamariki to thrive. Supported by Tauawhi Men’s Centre.

Devolution Roadmap

What’s the big idea? Improving social wellbeing in Te Tairāwhiti through social services devolution to iwi. We are asking the Social Wellbeing Board to be bold and to act on commitmentspast and present to a significantly more devolved delivery of social services in TeTairāwhiti. Evidence supports the change and risks can be mitigated. The first […]

$100m ‘new phase’ to strengthen services

Gisborne Herald Published May 19, 2022 The 2022 Government Budget announcement will further strengthen the call for the expansion of mental health and addictions services in the region https://www.gisborneherald.co.nz/local-news/20220519/100m-new-phase-to-strengthen-services/

Together alone: A review of joined-up social services

Together alone: A review of joined-up social services. https://www.productivity.govt.nz/news/joined-up-social-services-initiatives/ Link to the written summary of the webinar https://www.productivity.govt.nz/news/together-alone-joined-up-social-services/