Two Reports Challenge Govt to Devolve Power to Help Severely Disadvantaged
The new government is being urged to hand over power and resources to iwi and other flaxroots organisations to provide long-term, tailored, whānau-centred support for those trapped in severe and persistent disadvantage. Rebecca Macfie reports… Read full article at
Beyond the Clouds: The Hidden Dangers of Youth Vaping and Its Effects on Health | August – September 2024
Sharon Pihema is offering community sessions on youth vaping in our region from August to September 2024. The sessions are free, but availability is limited. Sessions can be tailored for different audiences (community, whānau, staff, etc.) and can be conducted in person or online. If you’d like more information or are interested, please get in […]
The First 1000 Days Workshop | 29 July 2024
A workshop for new, expecting and experienced Dads to understand brain development and how to create a safe environment for our Tamariki to thrive. Supported by Tauawhi Men’s Centre.
Devolution Roadmap
What’s the big idea? Improving social wellbeing in Te Tairāwhiti through social services devolution to iwi. We are asking the Social Wellbeing Board to be bold and to act on commitmentspast and present to a significantly more devolved delivery of social services in TeTairāwhiti. Evidence supports the change and risks can be mitigated. The first […]
Manaaki Tairawhiti work ‘outstanding’: Chris Luxon
Gisborne Herald 10 June 2022Manaaki Tairawhiti work ‘outstanding’: Chris Luxon
All bets still off: call to ‘wipe out’ pokies altogether
Gisborne HeraldPublished May 25, 2022Gambling had a bigger impact on those on lower incomes who often did not have a voice.
Drug treatment centre ‘desperately needed’
Gisborne HeraldPublished May 21, 2022 Why has region’s promised rehab facility still not been established?
Hauraki whānau – E Tū Whānau Ann Dysart Kahukura Award finalist
Hauraki whānau – leading the way for others to follow E Tū Whānau Ann Dysart Kahukura Award finalist
$100m ‘new phase’ to strengthen services
Gisborne Herald Published May 19, 2022 The 2022 Government Budget announcement will further strengthen the call for the expansion of mental health and addictions services in the region
Together alone: A review of joined-up social services
Together alone: A review of joined-up social services. Link to the written summary of the webinar