E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti.
All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing

Reducing Addiction

Tairāwhiti has one of the highest rates of addiction in New Zealand across all forms from gambling to alcohol to tobacco to illicit drugs. We are second only to Northland in our rates of methamphetamine use and have an alcohol consumption rate twice that of the national average.

People with moderate to severe addiction issues are unlikely to be employed or seek out educational pathways. The high support needs of a person with addition may also prevent their immediate whānau from working or taking part in education.

Manaaki Tairāwhiti is contributing to a community-based response focussed on getting people off drugs and into work, education and/or training. Community-based addiction workers, consumers, whānau and wider communities of practice will work together to deliver an interconnected suite of support options that range from prevention, intervention and clinical support.