E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti.
All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing

Reducing Family Violence

Tairāwhiti has consistently experienced high demand for support for whānau around family violence.

For decades we have had among the highest rates of reported family violence. Regional partners have committed to concerted collaboration through programmes such as the Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke partnership between iwi and police and the work of Tauawhi Mens’ Centre.

Some improvements in family violence rates in recent years have been realised. The focus now is on moving away from cycles of assessing and referring people to services to an approach that understands the root causes of the complex issues facing whānau to enable proactive and preventative responses.

Local initiatives which are part of Te Ao Rerekura, the National Strategy for the elimination of family and sexual violence lead by Manaaki Tairawhiti are Manaaki Navigators/Kaiurungi and Ka Awatea which are delivered in partnership with iwi and a number of community organisations.