E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti.
All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing

Who we are

Providing the sector with locally-focused united leadership through connected governance and stewardship of programme and service delivery.

The aspiration of
Manaaki Tairāwhiti is:

E tipu matomato ai ngā whānau o te Tairāwhiti

‘All Tairāwhiti whānau are flourishing’

The purpose of
Manaaki Tairāwhiti is:

Too many whānau in Tairāwhiti are living in crisis and passing that crisis on to their tamariki and mokopuna.

Manaaki Tairāwhiti will work together to transform social wellbeing in Tairāwhiti within one generation so that all whānau are able to meet their own aspirations and lead fulfilling lives


In October 2015, Manaaki Tairāwhiti asked Selwyn Parata, Chairman of Te Rūnanganui o Ngāti Porou, to write to Minister of Social Development Hon. Anne Tolley suggesting leveraging the high level of existing collaboration in Tairāwhiti and rationalising local service provision and governance silos. 

Social sector leaders in Tairāwhiti need clearer lines of sight on at-risk families and on the services intended to improve their lives. 

They called for a strong and locally focused remit to use local expertise, reach and government resources in a smarter way to accelerate and effect transformational change across the social sector.  

Having identified a range of challenges that were holding back greater levels of collaboration, local leaders sought a mandate to tailor responses appropriate to fit Tairāwhiti, unconstrained by service specifications that are nationally focused and that do not reflect local circumstances. 

Seeking to re-orient existing programme delivery in order to better understand the cumulative impact of services and increase shared responsibility for results.

Manaaki Tairāwhiti is a group of local iwi and social cross-sector leaders focused on working together in Tairāwhiti to deliver what is needed for whānau to flourish.

Manaaki Tairāwhiti Principles and Values

  • Whānau First – we consider the needs of tamariki and their whānau above all else.
  • No Excuses – we are solutions focused and action orientated.
  • Strengths – we will adopt a strengths based approach influenced by tamariki and their whānau.
  • Whānau Ora – our solutions place tamariki in the context of their whānau and wider hapū.
  • Integration – we will ensure there is a ‘joined-up’ approach.
  • Evolutionary – we will share learnings to improve our practice and services.
  • Connected – we want everyone to access the right information that connects them to the right services for best results.
  • Simple – we will simplify processes and service provision.
  • Pono – we will develop honest and trusting working relationships regardless of our differences.

Our aim

  • Providing comprehensive stakeholder engagement.
  • Building an evidence base of what is working best to inform service and funding decisions.
  • Appraising all new initiatives that come into Tairāwhiti to ensure alignment with other joint initiatives such as Whāngaia Ngā Pā Harakeke and Te Pā Harakeke. 
  • To inform and influence local social sector funding decisions. 
  • To build capacity to operate as a commissioning agency.